Senin, 24 Februari 2014


Nowadays, in this 21th century there are many young people, especially teenagers, in Indonesia who are lazy to learn English. Although they know that be able to speak English is very important. I don’t really know why this condition can happen to us, to our country. Most of them, the young people, use the patriotic words for make a reason, but for me that’s not make sense. How could they say that they really love their country but they are not learning one thing, English in this case, that will make them even smarter?
Okay maybe you will think that I can’t judge them because I start to love learning English when I was child, when my father always sing a song with the words that I can’t catch, yeah that is English. Song was the first thing that introduce me to English, Bee Gees, ABBA, and also The Beatles “taught” me in that time. After many of songs, films made me love English. Harry Potter is my favourite, so I try to know how Harry Potter’s speaking, well Harry Potter was lived in London and Harry is speaking English. English became my hobby, I wish that I can speak English fluently and although it’s sounds like I am so damn deep loving English but it is not makes me hate my own language and my own country. Let’s back to our problem, I still searching for the solution for those who don’t really like study English from the beginning. But from my first meet with Mr. Marsigit and Mr. Ilham, I feel like I find one great solution for it and I will think over that my way to loving English is not all right.
Mr. Marsigit and Mr. Ilham are my English lecturer. Mr. Marsigit is tall and smart, I say that not only because of his appearance but also from everything that he said in our class.  Mr. Ilham looks humble from his appearance, he also smart just like Mr. Marsigit. Before Mr. Marsigit and Mr. Ilham start our class they give us some assumptions: we are adult, we are responsible, we have a similar chance to learning English, English is life, it’s growing so it need life approach. From that assumption Mr. Marsigit and Mr. Ilham hope that we will study English diligently.
In my first meet with Mr. Marsigit I heard his story, his experience to get his willing. He said that to make your willing comes true, you need a strategy and method. Making strategy and method needs an approach, but before you do the approach to your willing you have to believe. We know that believing your willing will come true it’s not easy, so you have to understand. As we know, we have to get an information to understanding something and the information comes from our experience. Mr. Marsigit’s experience that he was going abroad to study at University of London and Mr. Ilham’s experience that he could going abroad to Netherland and study at Utrecht University are really inspire me. I think besides loving something that is connected to English, another way to love learning English maybe we can dreaming of going through the ocean, going abroad to study, so that we can start to realize that we need English.
Now after I heard every single words that had been said by Mr. Marsigit and Mr. Ilham, I realize that I must have a great willing so I can try a great hard then I will get my dream, my willing. I think to get my wiling I have to experience all the things that will leads my dream comes true. I am learning English now not just because it’s my hobby but I have a direction, a great willing, because I want to be the citizen that can going abroad, introducing my country to another country, get many educations from there that I can tell to my student. I believe that I can do that, and one of the way to realize that dream is learning an International language and that is English. Maybe all of you that don’t really think to learn English will try to have this dream too, this dream will raise up your spirit for learning English. So, let us start to love learning English. :)

Kamis, 20 Februari 2014

halo semua :)

salam kenal, nama saya Mutiara :) saya akan nge-blog mulai sekarang. Semoga yang membaca tulisan saya bisa dapat pahala dan manfaat :D amiiiin..
ayo semua :D yang semangat yaaaaa!