Senin, 10 Maret 2014

How to Learn Aspect of Mathematics

Do you remember since when you are able to calculate? You don’t remember? When or where did you start to know number? When did you start to understand about distance? Near? Far? Don’t remember again? How about fraction? We are understand but don’t remember where or since when, that what we called intuition.
Learning mathematics is using definition, inside the definition there are intuition. Intuition is very important, in order to empower it we need to have many experiences, directly or undirectly. Direct experiences are our own experiences but we can get undirect experiences from another person’s story. Because of intuition emerges from experience, we have to searching for good experiences. We must not ignore the intuition because intuition dominates our life.
From time to time we have many experiences of aspect of mathematics. Then we can identify, sistematically the difference of aspect of mathematics is in application. We have to know about the concept and implement in learning mathematics. When we were young learner in learning mathematics, everything use definition. Now, in university we have adifferent approach, first is definition, then theorem, and also example. Just like a volcano, the young learners are in the valley and they learn concret mathematics. In the peak there are the learner that learn abstract mathematics, formal mathematics, axiomatic mathematics, deductive mathematics, or we can say all of that university mathematics.
We need to learn, learn, learn and so that we get many experiences that will empower our intuition. We will be conscious on our learning to empower our intuition. I know that being conscious on our learning is not easy, but let us be perceive that learnimg is need, our necessity. That is pshycology of learning that will emerge the following constructive implication. Let us get spirit to learn and empower our intuition.

22 After 13 Years

If you have heard about my English test last week you will say that was a simple test. The vocabulary test that had been doing by my class gave 50 words that have to be translated in English. That simple test gave us a score that made our English lecturer, Mr. Marsigit, give us many advice to improve our English.
Mr. Marsigit stressed that English is life. The principle of improving English should be in line with the characteristic of English as life, we need to learn continuely. We should have various method in various time, activity, and also resourches. Those various method could be remembering irregular verb, adverb, adjective, and also grammar; handwriting in English; reading, translate, and then understand; do exercise of vocabulary English test; practice to talk; practice with your partner or your friends. Mr. Marsigit also said that we need to integrate English in our life, for us that study at mathematics education it can be in calculus, algebra, etc. We should integrate English to our activity and it needs partner. The partner could be your friends or classmate.
The point for now is we have a target specifically to improve our score. Mr. Marsigit said that all need hardwork, but don’t worry, the importance of English for us is not for shorten time. We have to be confident in learning English. confidence is important because we need that in every learning. Confidence is important but you must not to be arrogant. The example is me, after 13 years learning English, after the long 13 years, I still have to do a hardwork for improving English. I realize it, I realize more than before, after my English vocabulary test last week I got a 22 score, it is so embarassing right? But I still have to be confident like what Mr. Marsigit said.
Just like now, when I am doing my handwriting homework I must be confident. Mr. Marsigit said don’t worry to do something wrong because the most important is an originality. That means I must be confident to write it originally by myself. 22 after 13 years was an embarassing experience, but I won’t give up. I have motivation, I get facilities, I can search many resourches, and also I have facilitator. I will improve my English competence, make my vocabulary greater and greater than before. I wish I can do it, I know we all can do it.

Jumat, 07 Maret 2014

Sweet sweet English Camp

halo semua :) Kali ini saya akan sedikit bercerita pengalaman saya mengikuti English Camp 2013 UNY yang sangat berbekas di hati :D
Semua berawal di laboratorium komputer.. waktu-waktu yang terfasilitasi free internet, tapi internetnya buat buka website e-learning UNY, kenapa? karena saya sedang kuliah komputer dan teknologi informasi. Tapi waktu-waktu itu tetep dipakai untuk colong-colongan buka website lain, dan akhirnya saya pun membuka, sungguh colong-colongan yang sangat cupu. Tapi jangan salah, karena saya menemukan......
Kata berwarna merah di bagian tengah benar-benar menarik perhatian kan? :D Tapi bukan cuma itu, judul dari acaranya, fasilitasnya, tempat acaranya, bahkan cp nya membuat saya tertarik :D waktu itu saya langsung membulatkan tekad, membersihkan niat untuk ikut sesi wawancara. Singkat cerita saya mengikuti sesi wawancara di SALC (Self-Access Learning Center). Ruangan SALC benar-benar nyaman, anehnya saya baru tahu kalau ada ruangan itu di kampus :D selanjutnya sesi wawancara saya dibersamai oleh mas Satrio selama beberapa menit dan wawancara pun selesai. Lebih singkat cerita lagi beberapa hari kemudian, akhirnya saya menerima sms mamah minta pulsa, gak ding, saya menerima sms bahwa saya diterima sebagai partisipan dari English Camp 2013 UNY, dan reaksi saya biasa aja dibarengi dengan adegan penuh lompat dan histeria, singkat kata "saya SENANG". Mari kita lanjut...
Singkat cerita lagi, semua peserta dibagi dalam beberapa kelompok diantaranya iron man, superman, batman, dan spiderman. Saya masuk dalam kelompok Spiderman dengan pemandu mas Satrio dan mas Denny.
Hari pertama acara di SALC, kami dibersamai oleh Prof. Suwarsih Madya, Ph.D. dengan mc mas Fahmi. Materi yang diberikan oleh Prof. Suwarsih Madya, Ph.D. sangat menarik, memotivasi, dan tidak membosankan sama sekali. Lalu siang harinya kami semua berangkat ke desa Pentingsari, lalu pembagian homestay dan malamnya opening ceremony dan dilanjutkan movie discussion. Kami semua menonton film ini... dan filmnya bagus, beneran deh.

Hari kedua, pagi-pagi kami diajak jalan di sekitar desa, ini dia fotonya..
foto di Kali Kuning yang tidak berwarna kuning :D
Lalu acara dilanjut dengan English Debate dan materi English for socializing, lalu kami diajak ngobrol dengan native speaker, aaah bener-bener menyenangkaaaan. Lalu malamnya ada CCU game (semacam cerdas cermat) selanjutnya ada performance night dari tiap kelompok :D

Hari ketiga, hari terakhir (uuuuh sedih ;( sedih banget). Hari terakhir diisi dengan outdoor games yang seru seolah berusaha menghibur saya yang sedih karena acara akan berakhir (kepedean). Dan ini dia foto-fotonya...
Ini aku dan kelompokku lagi ngelus-elus tambang (dengan emosi).

Kelompokku di bagian dengan pemimpin berkaos belang.

Tarik tambang di foto ini, kelompok kami yang menang :D go go Spiderman!

Aku dan kelompokku sedang bersiap untuk main mengisi pipa bolong.

Kami berusaha bersama dan akhirnya basah kuyup semua :D

dan English Camp 2013 UNY pun berakhir.. English Camp 2013 UNY sudah memberi saya banyak, teman baru, pemandu yang baik, pengalaman dan pelajaran yang tidak ternilai :) pokoknya saya ingin tidak pernah melupakan semuanya (tapi kalau nantinya saya lupa beberapa bagian mohon dimaklumi. hehe). Terima kasih untuk UNY khususnya Office of International Affairs and Partnership, untuk SALC, panitia, mas Satrio dan mas Denny yang banyak membantu, semua peserta yang baik dan yang spesial keluarga Spiderman. Terima kasih... terima kasih semua :)